Consignment & Purchase system variables

Variable name Valid Values Description


Y - yes

N - no

Automatically opens the Item Details window when you enter batch consignments or batch purchases. This is a two-position Y/N variable separated with a pipe character (|). The first position controls the selection for batch consignments. The second position controls the selection for batch purchases. For example, if you set this variable to N|Y, the Item Details window only automatically opens for batch purchases.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Pop Details Window During Add check box on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window.


0 - include

1 - exclude

If set to 0, AIMsi includes consigned inventory on the Inventory Analysis report and your Average Inventory records. This is the default value.

If set to 1, AIMsi excludes consigned inventory from the Inventory Analysis report and your Average Inventory records.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

  • Inventory Analysis report counts
  • Average Inventory record counts


Y - yes

N - no

If set to Y (yes), AIMsi automatically assigns a serial number when you receive consignments or purchases into your inventory.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Serial# check box on the Enter Consignment window and the Enter Purchase window.

ConsignmentBarcode Positive numeric values

Determines the default number of barcode labels to print per item when you enter consigned items or purchased items in batch mode on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window. By default, this variable is set to 1.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory > Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Print Labels When Saved check box on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window.


Positive numeric values

Identifies the non-inventory category for buyer fees. This category is set up on the Non Inventory Categories window. By default, this value is 170. If you use general ledger, the Ledger# associated with this category will reflect any buyer fees.

Module(s) used in:

Consignment & Purchase, General Ledger

Item(s) affected:

Buyer Fees


Positive numeric values

Determines the default number of days after which a consigned item expires (will be returned, donated, disposed of, or remain on the floor). A 0 value prevents items from ever expiring.

To determine the default number of days after which an item is considered expired, AIMsi looks first at the Consign Exp Days box on the Add/Change Customer window - Billing tab. If that is not set up, AIMsi uses the value set up for this system variable.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Exp Date box on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window.


Any text combination, such as Not Applicable.

Determines the default manufacturer selected for consignments and purchases. This is useful if, for example, you do not want to track manufacturers for your consignments.

If you want staff to be required to select a manufacturer, leave this variable blank.

Note: If you enter a manufacturer here it must match a manufacturer on the Establish Manufacturers and Publishers window.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Mfg box on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window.


Positive numeric values, including decimals or 0

Determines the percentage of the amount owed that will be paid out to a consignor if the payout is in cash. Enter the payout percentage in decimal form (such as 0.50 for 50%). For 100% payout, enter a 1. Enter a 0 if you do not want to establish a default payout percentage. 0 is the default value.

To determine the cash payout percentage, AIMsi looks first at the Cash Paidout % box on the Add/Change Customer window - Billing tab. If that is not set up, AIMsi uses the value set up for this system variable.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory > Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window


CHK - print checks

CRD - credit invoice

Determines if the default selection for settlement on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window is a Check Category or a Credit Category for any consignor who doesn't have a category selected in the Consign Payment box on the Add/Change Customer window - Billing tab. Enter CHK to make printed checks the default selection or enter CRD to make credit invoices the default selection.

Return categories are set up on the Return Payment Categories window. If more than one of a type is set up, AIMsi automatically selects the first category found matching the type indicated here (for customers without an overriding return payment type). You can select a different type from the drop down Check Category or Credit Category box during settlement if necessary.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Check Category and Credit Category boxes on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window.

ConsignmentDefaultProcessFee Any positive value dollar amount in the format 0.00.

Determines the default amount to charge for check processing when settling with consignors in batch mode. This value is deducted from the amount paid to the consignor. For example, if this variable is set to 1.00 and the consignor sold $100.00 of inventory, the consignor will receive a check for $99 ($100.00 less the default processing fee of $1.00) when you batch settle.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory > Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Processing Fee column on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window.


Any valid letter code created on the Consignment Return Codes window.

Determines the default return code to use when consignment items expire. AIMsi is delivered with the following four return codes. You can change or add to these as necessary.

  • Dispose
  • Donate
  • Retain
  • Return (this is the default code selected for this variable)

To determine the default return code for consigned items, AIMsi looks first at the Consign Rtn Code box on the Add/Change Customer window - Billing tab. If that is not set up, AIMsi uses the value set up for this system variable.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Return Code box on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window.


Y - yes

N - no

Determines if the subcategory description populates the Description when receiving inventory. Y populates the description with the subcategory description and N leaves the description blank, requiring staff members to manually enter it. 

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Description column in the Consigned Items grid on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Purchased Items grid on the Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window.


T - combine like serials

F - do not combine like serials

Determines if like serial numbers are combined under one serial number on the receipt for batch consignments. T combines similar items into one serial number on the printed receipt. This is the default value. F prints each item on the receipt with an individual serial number. For example, if you enter 30 shirts for one customer using batch consignments, and this variable is set to T, the receipt will group the 30 shirts into one serial number on the receipt. If this variable is set to F, all 30 shirts will print individually on the receipt.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Batch consignment receipts.

ConsignmentMinSettleAmt Any positive value dollar amount or 0.

Determines the default minimum amount for which you will settle with consignors. Enter 0 here (the default value) if you do not want to set a default for the minimum settlement amount. A minimum amount may be set at the time of settlement using the Min Settle Amount box on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Min Settle Amount box on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window.


Positive numeric values, including decimals

This is the amount to pay a consignor for a sold item. AIMsi assumes any value less than 1 (such as 0.99 or 0.30) is a percent and any value that equals 1 or greater is a dollar amount.

  • If you set up this variable as a percent this percentage of the sale will go to the consignor and the remainder will go to the store. For example, if this variable is set to 0.75, and the item sells for $30.00, the consignor receives $22.50 and your store keeps $7.50. If the item sells for $23.00, the consignor receives $17.25 and your store keeps $5.75.
  • If you set up this variable as a flat fee (dollar amount) this will be the amount that goes to the consignor regardless of the selling amount. For example, if this variable is set to 20.00, and the item sells for $30.00, the consignor receives $20.00 and your store keeps $10.00. If the item sells for $23.00, the consignor receives $20.00 and your store keeps $3.00.

To determine the default consignor percentage or flat rate, AIMsi looks first at the Consign Percent box on the Add/Change Customer window - Billing tab. If that is not set up, AIMsi uses the value set up for this system variable.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Consignor % and or Fixed Fee on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Consign Amt boxes on the Enter Consignment window.


Y - print selling price

N - do not print selling price

If set to Y (yes), AIMsi will print on small and large consignment receipts the price you entered as the selling price (Our Price) on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window or Enter Consignment window.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Small and large receive consignment receipts.


100-499 - non-inventory category for the processing fee

900-997 - payment category for the processing fee

This two-position variable determines how you want AIMsi to record processing fees in your ledger as you settle with consignors. 

  • The first position indicates the non-inventory category to use for consignment settlement processing fee (100-499).
  • The second position indicates the payment category to use for the consignment settlement processing fee (900-997).

Module(s) used in:

Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Processing Fee column on the Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window.


Alpha-numeric values are supported.

This two-position variable enables you to upload your consigned inventory information to the myconsignorlogin website ( Separate multiple stores the pipe (|) character.

  • The first position is your (up to) three-character store location ID. If your location ID is fewer than three characters, type spaces to equal three characters.
  • The second position is the myconsignorlogin user ID provided to you by Tri-Tech.

For example, if your location ID is D, and your myconsignorlogin user ID is 1234, enter D__1234 (where the __ equals two spaces). If you have two additional stores where the location IDs are VT and MON, enter D__1234|VT_1234|MON1234.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Pop Details Window During Add check box on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and the Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window.

Additional related variables 

Variable name Valid values Description


1 - calculate price based on margin percentage of desired cost

2 - calculate price based on percentage of Retail value

3 - calculate price based on margin percentage of desired weighted cost

4 - calculate price based on percentage of Our Price value

This six-position variable determines how you want AIMsi to automatically calculate prices as you receive or enter inventory. Each position is separated by the pipe (|) character.

  • The first position indicates how you want price calculated (1, 2, 3, or 4, see Valid values).
  • Positions 2-6 are the percentage of cost AIMsi will use to calculate each cost type (in this order): Min Price, Price A, Price B, Price C, Our Price. These values must be entered as decimals.

For example, if this variable is set to 1|.30|.30|.35|.40|.45, AIMsi would calculate Min Price at 30% of the desired cost, Price A at 30% of the desired cost, Price B at 35% of the desired cost, Price C at 40% of the desired cost, and Our Price at 45% of the desired cost. If the desired cost is $20.00, the calculated prices would be: $28.57, $28.57, $30.77, $33.33, and $36.36.

If you do not wish to automatically calculate pricing levels as you receive or enter inventory, leave this variable blank.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Ourprice, Min Price, Price A, Price B, Price C boxes on the Enter Consignment window.


Shaded values are for future use.

  • Appliance
  • Bike/Fitness
  • Clothing
  • Consignment
  • Convenience
  • Electronics
  • Fabric
  • Golf
  • Gun/Archery
  • Hardware
  • Hobby
  • Liquor
  • Music
  • Other
  • Resale
  • Sewing
  • Specialty
  • Vacuum

You must close and reopen AIMsi for your selection to take effect.

Applies industry-specific defaults throughout AIMsi. For example, if you enter Consignment as the value for this system variable, four consignment-specific buttons are added to the main button bar.

Module(s) used in:

Currently used in the Consignment & Purchase module only.

Item(s) affected:

Currently adds buttons to the Main button bar for the following windows:

  • Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window
  • Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window
  • Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window
  • Refund Deposit/Credit window


Positive numeric values

Caution: This variable should only be changed by Tri-Tech staff.

Automatically assigns the next available number to a sales invoice, consignment invoice, or purchase invoice.

When AIMsi is initially installed, this is set to 1000. As you create invoices and enter consignments and purchases, this number automatically increases by 1.

Module(s) used in:

  • Point of Sale
  • Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

  • Ref# box on the Sales Invoice window.
  • Ref box on the Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window and Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window.


Positive numeric values

Automatically assigns the next available in-store item number to a SKU. ISI numbers use this format: ISI999999999999, but may not use all 12 available numeric positions.

When AIMsi is initially installed, this is set to 1000. As you use the ISI buttons throughout AIMsi, this value assigned to this variable automatically increases.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Serial # box on the following windows.

  • Enter Consignment window
  • Enter Purchase window
  • Enter Consignment (Batch Mode) window
  • Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window
  • Item Details window


Y - Yes

N - No

A - use average cost

N -use normal vendor cost

This three-position variable determines how you want AIMsi to automatically calculate weighted costs. Each position is separated by the pipe (|) character.

  • The first position indicates if the weighted cost is automatically calculated if the cost is changed (Y or N). If you set the first position to N, the second and third positions are ignored.
  • The second position indicates if the average cost (A) or the normal vendor cost (N) is used to calculate weighted cost.
  • The third position indicates if freight cost is included in weighted cost (Y or N).

For example, if this variable is set to the default value of Y|A|Y, weighted cost is automatically calculated when the cost changes, is based on the average cost, and includes freight costs.

Module(s) used in:

Inventory, Consignment & Purchase

Item(s) affected:

Wghtd Cost box on the Enter Consignment window and the WCost box on the Enter Purchase window.